Rasva poletamine traduzione

The processes of alkaline hydrolysis as defined in Annex I, of high pressure hydrolysis biogas as defined in Annex III, of biodiesel production as defined in Annex IV and of combustion of animal fat in a thermal boiler as defined in Annex VI are approved and may be authorised by the competent authority for the treatment and disposal of Category 1 material. Sa pead põletada mis sisaldab rasva põletamine toidud.

Stem Toffees, caramels and similar sweets are products which, like boiled sweets, are obtained by boiling sugar but contain added fat.

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The processes of alkaline hydrolysis as defined in Annex I, of high pressure hydrolysis biogas as defined in Annex III, of biodiesel production as defined in Annex IV and of combustion of animal fat in a thermal kaalulanguse valjakutsed as defined in Annex Rasva poletamine traduzione are approved and may be authorised by the competent authority for the treatment and disposal of Category 1 material. EurLex-2 Kuid hoolimata arstide soovitustest vähendada rasva tarbimist ning liikuda korrapäraselt, öeldakse, et kolmandik Põhja-Ameerika elanikest on kas ülekaalulised või rasvunud.

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After reduction the animal by-products must be heated until they coagulate and then pressed so rasva poletamine traduzione fat and water are removed from the proteinaceous material. EurLex-2 Rasvad ja õlid ning rasva- ja õliemulsioonid Fats and oils and fat and oil emulsions EurLex-2 d Rasva kasutamine muretaina ja võikatte valmistamisel d Use of lard to make the shortcrust pastry and for the fatty topping EurLex-2 Fat, David, is a feminist issue.

The fat, which has a typical flavour, aroma, colour and sheen, turns rancid easily when exposed to the open air, which confirms the need for the product to be vacuum-packed as quickly as possible.

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Report the sum of the contents of the different waxes from C40 to C46 Note 7 in milligrams per kilograms of fat. The welded surface examined shall be well illuminated, and shall be free from grease, dust, scale residue or protective coating of any kind. EurLex-2 b igasugune loomne materjal, mis on kogutud heitvee töötlemisel, mis on pärit artikli 4 lõike 1 punktiga d hõlmatud tapamajadest või 2.

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If the kind of foreign fat added to milk rasva poletamine traduzione is not known, use a general S f-value of 7,46 Table B. EurLex-2 Rasva hulk rümba välispinnal ja rinnaõõnes. Amount of fat on the external and of the internal parts of the carcase.

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EurLex-2 Minimeerida selliste keemiliste lisaainete nt rasva- või veekindlust suurendavate lisaainete heidet, mis sisaldavad perfluoro- või polüfluoroühendeid või aitavad kaasa nende tekkimisele Minimisation of release of chemical additives e.