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The SEL was established in with the goals of reducing: 1 the defect rate of delivered software, 2 the cost of software to support flight projects, and 3 the average time to produce mission-support software. After studying over projects of FDD, the results have guided the standards, management practices, technologies, and the training within the division.

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The results of the studies have been a 75 percent reduction in defects, a 50 percent reduction in cost, and a 25 percent reduction in development time. Over time the goals of SEL have been clarified. The goals are now stated as: 1 Understand baseline processes and product characteristics, 2 Assess improvements that have been incorporated into the development projects, 3 Package and infuse improvements into the standard SEL process.

The SEL improvement goal is keha slim herbal jogja demonstrate continual improvement of the software process by carrying out analysis, measurement and feedback to projects with in the FDD environment.

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The SEL supports the understanding of the process by study of several processes including, the effort distribution, and error detection rates. The SEL assesses keha slim herbal jogja refines the processes.

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Once the assessment and refinement of a process is completed, the SEL packages the process by capturing the process in standards, tools and training. Käibe TOP Kasumi TOP Käibe kasvu TOP Kasumi kasvu TOP Rentaabluse TOP Omakapitali tootlikkuse TOP Võrumaa firmade üld- ja finantsandmed.

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