Bodyrock fat burn challenge day 9.

Anyway when sis came to the kitchen and wanted to smoke there, I got mad and said she can close the window, close and tape the holes of her door and smoke there. I woke up, clapt my hands really loud, but of course it didn't help. All guys interrupt. Search my pockets and touch my body.

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Then about 4am I woke up because of an awful smell. My sis had smoke in the room and not even opend the window. Thank you for harming my health and not letting me and mom sleep. Mom asked if she's gonna watch her stupid show all night long.

Bad things only makes us stronger Very personal.

She said yes. Yes, I was grateful that she let us sleep in her room, cause we couldn't sleep in our room. Me, my mom and I don't have our own room.

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We sleep in our living room that are split half with a closet. My dad got my bed, so yeah. My lil bro slept in the same room with dad. Hahha, nothing can disturb him when he's sleeping. So I woke up 4am and I wasn't able to fall asleep again. So I went to the kitchen to study. I have never drink black coffee, but this morning I drinked 2 cups and I even liked it.

Anyway when sis came to the kitchen and wanted to smoke there, I got mad and said she can close the window, close and tape the holes of her door and smoke there.

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I said of course I am. I even said thank you for letting us sleep there and I wanted to explain that she was wrong and selfish, but she just said angrily "Shut your mouth" and went to her room.

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Noone messes with me. I took tape, went to her door and did what I had to :D My bro woke up "What are u doing? He added that I should have taped her window also, cause she could escape through the window by bonding her clothes together.

He have watched too much tv. The tape wouldn't stop her going out of her room I'm not that bad, come onbut the message counted.

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I had to take it off, so my sis wouldn't be able to accuse us in terrorizing her. Puberty is sooooooooooooooo awesome. I felt so bad for my mom.

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She will have a very long and hard day today. First 4 dirty house she needs to clean and then school.

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She'll be home at 9pm. She was so messed up in the morning. Tyred and sick. When I put my hand on her forehead and hold it there for a while, she almost fell asleep. It's so imprortant that she will have a good sleep. It's so hard. It really is.