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And you can see evidence of the pools through the skin, it's called hypostasis. Endine president, kes pöörab osariigi tõendeid, on hea viis kahju tekitamiseks. More makeup than normal, to conceal the evidence of her depression. The following movie is based on factual reports. I can't let you go at him without concrete evidence. Nii et te võltsite tema hääle ja mind puhastati valeandmete põhjal.

I can't let you go at him without concrete evidence. Ma ei saa teid ilma konkreetsete tõenditeta tema juurde lasta. I do think it's fortunate that I've never had to give evidence in a court case.

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Ma arvan, et on õnn, et ma pole kunagi pidanud kohtuasjas tunnistusi andma. I had no fear, therefore, that any circumstantial evidence could be brought forward strong enough to convict her. Seetõttu ei kartnud ma, et kaudseid tõendeid saab esitada piisavalt tugevalt, et teda süüdi mõista.

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Haines measured positive outcomes based on increases in external income to moderate organizations and legislative victories. Haines mõõtis positiivseid tulemusi, tuginedes väliste sissetulekute kasvule mõõdukatele organisatsioonidele ja seadusandlikele võitudele. I take it you've got concrete evidence to back those claims. Ma arvan, et teil on konkreetsed tõendid nende väidete toetuseks. I'm looking at concrete evidence right here.

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Vaatan siin konkreetseid tõendeid. If I have to do this, based on stereotypes that are totally untrue, that I do not agree with, you would maybe not be a very good driver. Kui ma pean seda tegema stereotüüpide põhjal, mis on täiesti ebatõesed ja millega slim down sarasota nõus ei ole, ei oleks te ehk väga hea autojuht. If the paint found on Aaron Brown's knuckles wasn't from the car, and yet, based on the clotting, it was sustained just before he died, where did the paint come from?

Kui Aaron Browni sõrmenukkidelt leitud värv ei olnud autost ja hüübimise põhjal püsis see vahetult enne surma, siis kust tuli värv? If they had any real evidence, they could just compel a DNA sample. Kui neil oleks tõelisi tõendeid, saaksid nad lihtsalt DNA-proovi sundida. In any case the evidence was slight and unsatisfactory. Igal juhul olid tõendid kerged ja ebarahuldavad. Incontrovertible evidence that the meteorite was a slim down sarasota. Vaieldamatud tõendid selle kohta, et meteoriit oli võlts.

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Insufficient evidence. Ebapiisavad tõendid. It is based on a fundamental need of human nature -the need to talk, to reveal oneself. See põhineb inimloomuse põhivajadusel - vajadusel rääkida, ennast ilmutada.

Oyster PAYG-i eest võetakse samu tsoonipõhiseid reegleid nagu metroo ja Docklandsi kergraudtee puhul.

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Paper tickets are charged on the same zone-based rules as for Underground and DLR paper tickets, which were expanded to take in the extra zones covered. Paberipiletite eest võetakse samu tsoonipõhiseid reegleid kui maa-aluste ja DLR-i paberpiletite puhul, mida laiendati, et hõlmata ka lisatsoone. It's based on a true story. See põhineb tõestisündinud lool. It's the concrete evidence.

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See on konkreetne tõend. Its oak-paneled ceiling, which was covered with carvings, and the murals of frolicking dryads and other nymphs, with dreadful smiles on their faces, were evidence of its past. Selle tammepaneelidega lagi, mis oli kaetud nikerdustega, ning seinamaalingud hullavate kuivade ja muude nümfidega, näol kohutavad naeratused, olid selle mineviku tunnistuseks.

Pärast More makeup than normal, to conceal the evidence of her depression. Rohkem meiki kui tavaliselt, et varjata tõendeid tema depressiooni kohta.


Two studies comparing reciprocal concessions with social responsibility explanations found evidence for social responsibility related to helping. Kaks uuringut, milles võrreldi vastastikuseid soodustusi sotsiaalse vastutuse selgitustega, leidsid tõendeid abistamisega seotud sotsiaalse vastutuse kohta.

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These three studies provide evidence to support the effectiveness of the FITD technique because it increased compliance in all three experiments. Need kolm uuringut pakuvad tõendeid FITD tehnika efektiivsuse toetamiseks, kuna see suurendas vastavust kõigis kolmes katses. On a ship, all communications were radio- or microwave-based-no solid phone lines. Laevas oli kogu side raadio- või mikrolainepõhine, ilma kindla telefoniliinita. Proof again that evidence can be misleading. Veelkord tõestus, et tõendid võivad olla eksitavad.

Secure the evidence, call in the Crime Scene Unit, complete the odour test. Kinnitage tõendid, helistage kriminaalteabe üksusesse, viige läbi lõhna test. She saw through his ploys immediately, angered afresh to see the Cleary clannishness as much in evidence slim down sarasota the girl as it had always been among the boys.

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Naine nägi koheselt läbi tema salakavalused, vihastas uuesti, kui nägi Cleary klannimist tüdrukuga sama palju kui kunagi varem poiste seas. So you forged his voice, and I was cleared on false evidence.

Nii et te võltsite tema hääle ja mind puhastati valeandmete põhjal. That is negative evidence, but it is evidence.


See on negatiivne tõend, kuid see on tõend. That's damned slim evidence to base an accusation. See on neetult tõendeid süüdistuse esitamiseks. That's strong evidence of a false allegation.

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See on tugev tõend valeväite kohta. The evidence against these people seems unsatisfactory at best. We see less and less of the moon's day side, and thus the crescent in the east before dawn appears thinner each day.

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The moon, as always, is rising in the east day after day. But most people won't see this moon phase unless they get up early. When the sun comes up, and the sky grows brighter, the waning crescent moon fades. Still, the waning crescent is up there, nearly all day long, moving ahead of the sun across the sky's dome.

Vaadake ka evidence-based sünonüüme aadressil Wiktionary.

It sets in the west several hours or less before sunset.