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Ma ei ole ju Astrid Lindgreni elust kuigi palju lugenud ega teadnud, seega minu jaoks oli kõik põnev ja uus, seda enam, et Jens Andersen ei kirjuta seda raamatut lakooniliselt, kronoloogiliselt ja fakte üles lugedes, vaid toetub paljudele seniavaldamata kirjadele Astrid Lindgreni mahukast kirjavahetusest, mis on UNESCO Maailma Mälu pärandina Kuningliku Raamatukogu arhiivis säilitatud pidi olema riiulimeetrit, seega suurim eraisikust jäänud kogu Rootsis , ja suudab igast eluetapist välja noppida just mingi temaatilise terviku, et kronoloogilist edasi-tagasi hüppamist on kokkuvõtteks tegelikult suhteliselt vähe. Muidugi on eesti lugeja jaoks suhteliselt esmakordselt pikemalt juttu sellest, et Astrid sünnitas oma esimese poja juba aastase tütarlapsena salaja Kopenhaagenis, kus laps kolm esimest eluaastat ka kasuperes elas. Kuulun vist pigem nende hulka, kellele tundub see lugu veidi… fookusest väljas. See on ka lause, mida onu Melker tihtipeale Soolavaresel kasutab.

Newberry, B. The auxiliary heating was increased to a total of 8.

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Consequently, the graphite armor tiles for the ALT-II had to fat burner lindaren redesigned to avoid excessively high graphite armor surface temperatures that would lead to unacceptable contamination of the plasma. The first design change was an increase of the fat burner lindaren tile thermal mass, primarily by increasing the radial thickness of each tile from 17 mm to 20 mm.

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The reduction in exhaust efficiency is unfortunate, but could be avoided fat burner lindaren by active cooling of the ALT-II armor tiles.

The active cooling option was too complicated and expensive to be considered at this time. The second design change involved redefining the plasma facing surface of each armor tile in order to fully utilize the entire surface area. The incident charged particle heat flux was distributed uniformly over the armor tile surfaces by carefully matching the radial, poloidal and toroidal curvature of each tile to the plasma flow in the TEXTOR boundary layer.

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This geometry redefinition complicates the manufacturing of the armor tiles, but results in significant thermal performance gains. In addition to these geometry upgrades, several material options were analyzed and evaluated.

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